The word is Yes. I say it at anything. If an opportunity presents itself I take it. There’s nothing I won’t try once. Even happiness.”
over it
yeeeeee im just chilling in bangkok pretty much by myself atm in a computer cafe, pretty sick ay!
yeah xcpet i thought it would be better but so far its sucked cause well i stuffed up a really important realtionship which isnt fun at all. especially when the person i want is a in a diffrent country and well its hard to talk cause of the time diffrence & i dont always have access to a computer and the whole situation just sucks.
idk if she's moved on or whats the deal but i just want to be back home & just be with her fml.
but hey everything happens for a reason & i know that once we sort out everything, we we'll be fine
new day
everyday is a new day, you've just got to keep your head high & hope for the best, try and see the positive in everything.
RIP UNCLE DAVID, you're with your brothers, <3
happy birthday
jaksdjiweodaskl;vhfsakjdakjdncweiuhfiqwmdcn cant wait till im rich, faggots!
sometimes I think I can't do anything ==
So I now work at two different places, one as a volunteer at a cafe in the valley which is run by a organisation called Mission Australia, and my other job is a waitress/kitchen hand at a Japanese curry store in Elizabeth Arcade "Kadoya".
I love working at both places, since I'm getting experience and knowledge in the hospitality industry but at the same time it's pretty hectic in both jobs. Since the place that I'm volunteering at I'm serving people who are/have had problems with drugs and alcohol or people who are living on the streets, and it's get full on sometimes.. But I love the people that I work with they're cool and really nice :) so I do enjoy my time there. And i pretty much do whatever here and I don't have to do much haahha.
While at Kadoya it's pretty hectic as well as I have to learn everything from scratch and since everything is japanese. It's sometimes a challenge for me cause I suck at reading the kanji and I have to memorize everything that I do, and make sure everything is done perfectly. But the people there are nice, I've just got to make sure I get over my nervousness hahaha == fuck which is something that I have huge problems with, like i get nervous easily and I always self doubt myself, which i should stop doing! but it's hard hahaha,
But I'm happy since I go back to kadoya on saturday so I hope I do really good! :)
THANK YOU GOD!! for keeping my friends safe in japan :)
o the people of japan, never give up! & I know right now so many people are going through hell, not just the people who are in this disaster, it's also the people who are living away from Miyagi, Aomori, Sendai - its the people in Tokyo and Australia & the whole world thats hurting, so many people still cant get into contact with family,friends its sucks.
Tokyo is still having earthquakes it'll be nearly a week since the devastating earthquake that trigged the tsunami happened, and now its the fear of nuclear power plant blowing up, and now its all about evacuating the people of shizouka incase of Mt.Fuji erupts.. like its 3 disasters that's happening/about to happen, yet all the people are fighting together, all the people just want to be there for each other, and I know some shelters still haven't received any food or aid, and no words I can type will ever amount to the feelings of these people, my people.
It's my country where I spent bits of my childhood, its where I was born and the country where I learnt to walk and talk, and I know one thing it's that Japan accepts that natural disasters happen, and that they all need to work together if they're going to survive, but this ... this is huge and I want to help so much, I know giving money is one way to help, and I'm sure it will go along way.
But the thing is money isnt going to bring back the dead, it's not going to replace memories and feelings, but I hope and pray that all these people affected will be okay, mentally because it's proven that humans do the worst when we're vulnerable, the acts of desperation are shown when we're mentally weak, so I pray that they find strength when they need it & stick together.
Haruka - I hope that your family is okay, PLEASE EMAIL ME BACK :(
& to my other family friends, i pray that you are all okay..
Also it's been on my mind, I really want to go over there and help them rebuild the torn city's, I feel so useless just sitting here.
ox stay safe guys & to the people of japan, the world is backing you guy's, don't lose hope!
Labels: Earthquake, Japan
to the people of japan, never give up! & I know right now so many people are going through hell, not
I miss you
well whats up!well my last post i told you how I was going to IKEA :) & yeah I went & im so excited since I bought new stuff for my room, mostly stuff to get my room oraganised since my room is just messy, which im happy to say half of my junk on my desk and drawers have been thrown out woo! I feel so accomplished as now I have a pretty clean desk, sort of in time before my uni course starts, which im pretty stoked about even though I'm doing it at home, unlike everyone else who is doing theres on campus, but hey at least I'm doing something this year!
yeah but anyway, so from IKEA i got two huge boxes to put all my random note books and school books that I need/wanted to keep from last year / previous years in one of them. I also got two boxes to put magazines in / important stuff, and two smaller boxes to put whatever other crap I have in it haha, so I'm pretty content cause everything is clean. Plus I'm so excited because I got a new bed sheets/cover for my room, its yellow with white polka dots, I'm so happy since I love the color yellow but I'm keeping my blue bed sheets, since they remind me of my geek :) hahahhahah
Yeah as for the rest of the week, I havent done much xcpet i did go out earlier last week with Ashleigh and Paige & Mon, we had a good time and saw the movie true grit which ended up being a pretty good movie, so it was pretty swell then Ash came back to mine :)
yeah other then that I've just been chilling at home, having some crazy ass dreams, and PS if fagface comes into my dreams one more time, I'm going to not sleep at all ==
BUT im really excited since today I'm going to timezone with emiri!! shivers, i haven't seen her in 5 years & we always had plans to go to timezone, xcpet we never did it & finally we're doing it so I'm pretty excited!
wooooooooo so I'm pumped for today!! :D
I cant wait!! we have so much catching up to do (L)
Ox stay safe
mood swings
I'm really getting over your mood swings, please stop them or figure out whatever is going on inside that head of yours, because I don't want to lose another friend, but lately you've been really annoying, so please stop!
kthanksbye :]
ps Im so excited I'm going to IKEA tomorrow!! wooo
" I wanted so badly to lie down next to her on the couch, & wrap my arms around her & sleep. Not fcuk, like they do in the movies. Not even have sex. Just sleep together in the most innocent sense of phrase. But I lacked the courage, & she had a boyfriend, & i was gawky & she was gorguoes, I was hopelessley boring and she was endlessley fascinating , . So i walked back to my room, collapsed on my bottom bunk bed thinking if people were rain i would be drizzle and she would be
hurricane Do&Ta
Sizzlers with the girls :)
So on the 25th January we had a little mini olc gatho with the girls, it was so good :DIt was such a long time since I had been with the girls, since I hadn't seen them since before Christmas then I went away to Melbourne, so this was the first time I had seen most my friends, woo it was so good.
Like always we just ate, and talked, and took a lot of photos, mixed with screaming and hugging and lots of laughter, (loud laughter) hahah. It was such a good night everyone just chilling and grilling.
I had seconds of spaghetti and salad, and dessert twice, woo I'm a champion haha, and a million drink refills, which now I have become addicted to lemon, lime and bitters, so thanks a lot Sizzlers :(
oh and we had like a million plates of their cheesy toast, which is soooooo gooood!
But yeah, I told people about Melbourne, and how I saw masha! :D hahah, but also I've told people that masha & I were no longer married, since after her loss, idk I redefined my relationship with her so shes just my girlfriend. But also I now have a new interest Caroline Wozniacki, shes amazing woo I saw her play twice and idk I just think shes nicer then masha LOL :), so yeah I shall be following her, even though I had been following her on twitter for ages haha, yeah it was a chilled night :D
but seriously i miss everyone from school :(
& I've been such a jim in on everyone facebook status about school, like wtf I have serious withdrawer-el issues! :(
but dam i love/miss everyone who came :D
♥ the 30 out of 67 best friends that came :)
Was amazing, just sayin
I saw masha play 3 times wooo, shes amazing!! & i love her
xcpet caroline wozniacki is a babe, and Jo Tsonga, I'ma marry you!
dude I just want to live there forever x3>
back to school
well I finally believe I have become depressed with all the back to school adds, & all the facebook status about "going back to school" because I wish I was going back, since right now there is nothing happening for me, but also I miss all my friends, and teachers... yeah I miss them to, ew. hahahhahahahhaaNo but I do, I wish I could go back ... :(
its been more then a month, hope your happyI wish I could go back.
"Remember i'll always be here for you, even if it kills me to see you, in the wedding dress"
IM SO EXCITED to go to Melbourne!
yayerrrrrrrr :D
hahahhahahahahhahahaah like im so fucking excited! :D
Holidays so far..
Well After Ash's Birthday, my holidays have consisted of Harry Potter marathon, catching up friends, Christmas, New Years, South bank/City, sleepovers, random chill days, Finding out my rank ==, meeting up with a geek :), and watching tennis.
Well Harry potter marathon was a good day, we all watched it at Paige by watching 500 days of summer again hahah, then we started the marathon we got up to harry potter number 4! woo which will be continued at a latter date at Ashleigh's! with the amazing company of Victoria, Paige, Mon, & Ash + me :D
In between that day and Christmas I've had many days just chilling in South bank with friends mostly mon&Paige, woo um onetime we went and saw exorcism, scary shit hahhaha & after the movie we claimed it was shit, just to make our selves feel better bahahah.
I've also slept over mon's a number of times just chilling at hers, having D&M's doing crazy shit + Ash came over one night after we went and saw harry potter because she hadn't seen it yet, so we went to south bank one night and saw it, then ash came over and we just chilled :D.
I also spent a day at southbank with a geek! :D it was an amazing day!!
& spent another night with a geek at garbo watching little fockers BAHAHAH everyone should go see it, its such a good movie.
Um New years was good, spent it at Paiges, drinking and having a good time with those i love, Paige, Bec, Vic, Ash, Ass C, Gemma, + Paige & Rhys And Asha&Zac :D such a good time hahah, despite half the people were drunk lmfao but woo to the sober ones LOL! And then the next day we celebrated Paiges birthday we ate breakfast at a cafe in Windsor it was pretty dece :)
& then we drove around city / to chermside to get Ash's phone fixed which was a total fail since no-where was open, and Chermside apple was a complete fail, so we went home.
The following Tuesday I had a chill sesh with ash, while we waited for her phone to get fixed in the city, it was a pretty good day! & it sucks cause i wont be able to see her until I get back from melbourne :( dam.
Um Oh the and the Queensland floods have been pretty epic, like it's so crazy to think that the suburbs that we go and chill in have been flooded, & I pray that everyones homes are safe and if their not, then well done to the ledgends who are helping them out with the clean up, true Aussie spirit right there :D
I'll help when I come back from Melbourne!
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHS but Im so fucking excited to go to Melbourne & i pray that masha doesn't get kicked out on her first game! but she won't since shes masha! wooo
& FML I havent even started packing but I will latter today! <3
But so excited I already have my ground passes, just got to purchase my other tickets and I'm set.
But stay safe everyone, & be careful of those snakes!!
<3 wish everyone in the floods luck!! <3 oxoox
in less then 9 hours, an envelope will come, & in it will be my future.
Theres a voice saying you'll get a 20, & I'm praying so much that i get at least a 16 & above!
but holy shit, Im freeeeeeeaking out.
Im pretty sure if i do shit I'll cry.
But I know theres other options out there, & one day I'll reach my goal! & whatever result i get, Its a true reflection of how I treated 2010.
FML. I just have to keep positive! <3
My Best friend's 17th :)
14 DEC 2010.
My Best Friends 17th Birthday!
I had an amazing night with Ash & her family + Paige,Mon&Victoria! It was soo gooood!
Well My day started out pretty good, Just doing stuff around the house. And then I came on Facebook and check notifications and stuff you know the delio. Then I was talking to Paige on FB Chat and we were trying to figure out what to do, as in Ash's second present but then we just agreed on doing it, when her first present comes! Which will be a surprise :P
Um so yeah, xcpet I couldn't leave the house since I forgot where I put my money / house keys, so I full freaked out, thinking I couldn't go to Paige's to watch 500 days of summer, which pissed me off so much. But Luckily with ze help of Maria, I found my keys and money, so I quickly txted Paige & told her, lucky cause she was on her way to pick up mon!
So in the meantime I was just chilling on Facebook still/ getting ready and straightening my hair, which is no point cause my hair is absolute shit anyway. ==
But yeah, as usual my internet was being difficult as it always is, so I couldn't say goodbye to the people I was talking to ==, which made me a bit annoyed! But Oh well.
As soon as Paige picked us up, we went for a maccas run, as you do :)
& yeah ate in the car while we were driving, and having a good music sesh in the car! =D
So we got to Paige's & watched 500 days of summer!
OMD I have been longing to see that movie for soooooooo long, and I finally saw it, It was pretty good, It reminded me of someone :) but it was a good movie! :D
ps. everyone should watch it hahhaha.
So Paige got ready & then we signed Ash's card & we drove to garbo! :)
Met up with Ash & her Family, (They are amazing), so yeah we ate Grill'd It was my first time & IT WAS AMAZING! like omfd! <3
Me & Vic totes ate the same thing, it was awesome "Simon Says" pretty gooood <3
so yeah we just ate and talked it was pretty good! <3
And it was so cute, Holly made a birthday cake and it was blue and brown, it was so cute she even put turkish delight in there, and blueberries :)
& then Ash's family went home, and we just sat and talked and de-briefed about schoolies hhahah still. Makes me LOL so much! :D, so Vic wanted Cold-Rock, And Ash bought a cup of cold rock! And we made our way to the car, for another one of our music seshions in the car!
It was very good! <3
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASH, Hope you had an amazing time, I love you so much.
ps, I HAD A GREAT D&M with Paige in her car, in my street, so frickin good & I totaly know how you feel babe!
I woke up one morning and I just knew.
Tom: Knew what? Summer:
What I was never sure of with you."
(500 Days of Summer) <3
My Best friend's 17th :)
14 DEC 2010.
My Best Friends 17th Birthday!
I had an amazing night with Ash & her family + Paige,Mon&Victoria! It was soo gooood!
Well My day started out pretty good, Just doing stuff around the house. And then I came on Facebook and check notifications and stuff you know the delio. Then I was talking to Paige on FB Chat and we were trying to figure out what to do, as in Ash's second present but then we just agreed on doing it, when her first present comes! Which will be a surprise :P
Um so yeah, xcpet I couldn't leave the house since I forgot where I put my money / house keys, so I full freaked out, thinking I couldn't go to Paige's to watch 500 days of summer, which pissed me off so much. But Luckily with ze help of Maria, I found my keys and money, so I quickly txted Paige & told her, lucky cause she was on her way to pick up mon!
So in the meantime I was just chilling on Facebook still/ getting ready and straightening my hair, which is no point cause my hair is absolute shit anyway. ==
But yeah, as usual my internet was being difficult as it always is, so I couldn't say goodbye to the people I was talking to ==, which made me a bit annoyed! But Oh well.
As soon as Paige picked us up, we went for a maccas run, as you do :)
& yeah ate in the car while we were driving, and having a good music sesh in the car! =D
So we got to Paige's & watched 500 days of summer!
OMD I have been longing to see that movie for soooooooo long, and I finally saw it, It was pretty good, It reminded me of someone :) but it was a good movie! :D
ps. everyone should watch it hahhaha.
So Paige got ready & then we signed Ash's card & we drove to garbo! :)
Met up with Ash & her Family, (They are amazing), so yeah we ate Grill'd It was my first time & IT WAS AMAZING! like omfd! <3
Me & Vic totes ate the same thing, it was awesome "Simon Says" pretty gooood <3
so yeah we just ate and talked it was pretty good! <3
And it was so cute, Holly made a birthday cake and it was blue and brown, it was so cute she even put turkish delight in there, and blueberries :)
& then Ash's family went home, and we just sat and talked and de-briefed about schoolies hhahah still. Makes me LOL so much! :D, so Vic wanted Cold-Rock, And Ash bought a cup of cold rock! And we made our way to the car, for another one of our music seshions in the car!
It was very good! <3
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASH, Hope you had an amazing time, I love you so much.
ps, I HAD A GREAT D&M with Paige in her car, in my street, so frickin good & I totaly know how you feel babe!
Well I've graduated!
about 3 weeks ago, but hey I haven't blogged about it :(
Aws & I've realised that I actually miss school, ALOT!
& idk I just felt like blogging about it, so instead of telling whoever even reads this anymore about it, I'm going to blog about my senior pledge with it, because i dont know, this pledge was writen for us, by us. And so ever since on our second day of school, It's been stuck on my wall above my desk & at random times, whenever I'm in one of my moods or whenever I feel like, I just read it and think back on the good times we've had :)
We the senior class of 2010, make this pledge to the Our Ladys College Community.
Which we did on the second day of being a senior, when we were officialy inducted into the school as a senior :)
As we embrace our final year, we hope for one full of inspiration and fond memiories: a year to honour the promises we make today.
Hell yeah we did! We made a shit load of memiories good & bad, funny and sad, and we sure did inspire all the other grades to step up to ze plate, but not only we went facebook official by making us the "the best seniors ever" fuck yeah!
This is our promise: To take initiative and act justly, encouraging all to make leaps from comfort to courage.
because its hard to like make myself think your somone else
Well what's up, I haven't blogged lately I know, but i decided to because heaps of stuff has happened and instead of burdening someone with all my rants, I thought I would use the internet aka my blog :).
So since it's nearly the end of school, well school is pretty much over soon FOREVER!
The thought of that scares me, & I looked back over the years/ this year & thought about so many things, mostly regrets and mistakes. Even though everyone says we shouldn't look back on the "bad" things, but rather focus on the positives but I believe that the negatives are just as important because in a weird way they are the things that shape and make us. And then I think about the friendships I've made, over the years and think at least half of them have been fake.
I used to think that everyone was going to have your back, and no-matter what they would stand with yu, but this year that theory and right now its being tested. The people that I spent most of my childhood with, were either liars, fakes and people who wanted to "get in" and look like they had power and gain respect. It's even sad when we gave respect to those people, we put our lives at risk in the name of friendship and It's even sadder when you called them your "brother" and they treated you like a sister. But I know that people change, and we grow up and realize some things, but that isn't an excuse to treat people like shit when you see them again, or backstab people when once apon a time, they were trying to impress you & you were the one covering for them.
Some people Will always be there and I thank those boys, but sometimes because of certain events those friendships get strained and broken and even if both parties try and make it better, there will always be tension and it never quite heals. But Im happy that I have some people who will still try even if its fucked.
And I thought I finally could trust you, but I know living with parents like yours and the expectations that they put on you, probably wasn't easy. And I completely understand that, BUT that doesn't mean you can use me for an excuse, make me lie to your parents and family, make me try and mend YOUR PROBLEMS! and then criticize the way I am. I know most of the time you were right about certain things, but whenever I was right you decided to push me away, and use your boyfriend against me and then tell him not to be friends with me and disinvite me from certain events that were not yours. Now thats pretty low. But I feel so sorry, not because of all my wrong doing, but because we had a connection then we lost it, around half way through last year we became so tight again, & we had so many good moments and bad, but we always sorted through them & now you totally did a 360 turn and don't want anything to do with me. But hey the reason why were not as close paint my problem.
But then again whatever, & this year I nearly lost one person that was very close to me, and we didn't talk for weeks and that was mainly because we were both stubborn but because I guess we both didn't want to admit the real problem. I guess we were both scared of what would happen if we tried to sort our problem out that we wouldn't recover, so I guess we both didn't want to believe that it was over. But Im so glad that we both decided to work through our problems and try and sort it out. And because of that were all good now. : )
And 99% of the time, communication is the key, and when you lose that, it can cause huge problems not just in friends but in business's. And so if you want something to work you sometimes you just need to talk or txt and see each other. And that's what I did a few weeks ago, and Im so glad we did, although my friend & I are still trying, were better then we were 2 weeks ago. & I say thankyou.
hey what up guys, well since my last post I`ve pretty much been chilling, I played golf and man I`m crap at it haha, although there were some good shots that I did, but I was happy that this year and last year I was`nt left alone with the kids in the mini golf section haha. Maybe next year I`ll have better luck! (yn)
What else Have I been doing, well I bought a new book Its by Ken Follett - The man from St. Petersburg. Its a book about the outbreak before world war I, about a family and a man who is Russian trying to assassinate a Count from Russia, and the family of the Walden's, including the Lady Lydia Walden a secret and their daughter Charlotte. I love it so far It`s a pretty good book =D
plus its saving me from dyeing of boredem which is fantastic.
Well I`ve had good news about something that happened along time ago, which will have no effect on me anymore which is amazing! ahah I`m so happy!
& tomorrow I`m going to have lunch with my Asian grandparents since there in Australia, which im pretty okayish looking forward to
Oh and I played badminton on the streets with the boys today, it was awesoume fun haha!
Man two more days then Im back in brisbane which Im so happy about, I havent hung out with any of them for pretty much the whole holidays, Im going to get so many punches when I see them.
3 ps Maria lost her match in Tokyo, but I still have 100% faith in her, and I still think she is amazing & the best in my eyes, I hope she gets past the 1st round in the Beijing Open thou xox LOVE YOU MASHA!
& i love whoever reads this
what Ive been up to
well whats up guys, yeah i haven`t blogged in a while since I`ve been really lazy, hahha my bad ay.
what have I been up to, pretty much nothing ay, just been chiling at home since im sick again, eww
and then im off to the grandmas for a few nights tonight, should be sweet!
going golfing on our annual golf day should be exciting since i havent played in pretty much a year, so Im going to be mega shit! hahahahahas, so I might hit up the practice ground tomorrow so everyone dose`nt pay me out ==.
other then that everything has been pretty chilled PS I really wanna start c-walking again!
but i bet you Im heaps shit now ay!
but meeeeeeeeeh,
Well once again, I have left assignments to the last minute >:[DUMB TARA!ahahahaa yeeah &+ once again its SOR, so here we go for another half-assed attempt, arghs I really need to get organised and start my shit way earlier.oh ps I love someone :)2781~CS(L)I promise tmrw I shall write a blog entry that is satisfactory for everyone.xo
well once again, I have left assignments to the last minute >:[
ahahahaa yeeah &+ once again its SOR, so here we go for another
well once again, I have left assignments to the last minute >:[
ahahahaa yeeah &+ once again its SOR, so here we go for another bs
whats been happening.
hey whats up guys, sorry I havent blogged in a while due to my lazyness so please forgive me mr blogspot! :]
First I shall inform yu guys about our senior formal <3!
Well first up we had to go to school on FRI25JUN2010, untill 10.30 which seemed pretty good, but we got let off an extra 10mins so it turned out to be alrighty for everyone. I got my corsage from mr.Parkinson becasue his wife is a florist, and they were beautiful!
Then afterwards Paige drove me to garbo with her since she has her P's, it was sick we pumped Jason Derulo tunes. Paige bought a SD card, she got her nails done, and I got my eyebrows done, then we ate lunch and left garbo. She dropped me of back home via her house so I could get my corsage. Then I was of to get ready for the formal, I went on facebook talked to Declan, who is my date, he goes to terrace and is a rower <3! so I was a happy hahahhahas, I'm so glad I took declan since hes like my twin, we both like the same music.
I went to the city got my make up done at the Body shop, and ps they are awseoume at doing make up, & THANKYOU JIJI for pretty much organising my whole formal =D, she also bought my bracelt which was gangster as, and blinged up ;} me&marina had the same bracelet so it was pretty cool!
we had our pre at laura's house, her house is amazing, and yes I was late to lauras pre sucked so much beacsue I felt so bad for declan just chilling thier on his own ==".
well yu better be happy since I have sacrificed my 69th entry, to write this :)so yu better be happy! ahahhaah I'm such a homo aren't I.well what has beeen happening since my last blog entry, is well pretty much exams I guees. I've had Japanese, Hospitality, and QCS.Japanese: I had that all day. 8-30 - 1.40, it was pretty sweeet I like Jap exams, becasue it's the only subject I feel confident in although I do get stressed out heaps in it becasue, I always feel like I need to know everything and know the right answers. But it's all good even though theres 3 sen10rs! =D it's all goood becasue I (L) Caitlen and Abbey. Okay confession time, I suck at writing becasue I just suck okay, I suck at kanji and I get confused where to put the particles hahahas ==.LOL during the writing exam I was freaking out becasue I didnt know if I had to leave boxes or spaces, so I tried to look over Caitlens work, but to check but I tried not to make it sus hahaha s, yes I'am a noob But I love doing listening and reading becasue it's just interpreting what is written or said, and I believe I'm ace at doing those two things. whooo so hoping I got Jap all down!Hospitality: Hospo, omd I was so not organised from day one. My booklet was not complete so I know I'm going to defs lose marks for that whoops. Well what we had to do was be in groups of 3 or 4, our group was Brie&+Paige+ Me! yeeeaaa. We're pretty awesoume, we had to make a high tea with whatever we wanted to put in it, our group made a banana theme :), it was sweeet since I'm so in love with bananas!
So we made banana honey sandwiches(paige), banana / walnut (brie), I made banana cookies, and banana and chocolate scones, and white chocolate and banana scones (brie) and paige made vanilla cupakes with banana icing.Our theme seemed pretty sweeet, but instead of cooking 30mins earlier what our group decided to do was to do our booklets hahahs == whoops.But it was sweeet becasue we had half the class cooking in the first half and the other half cooking in the afternoon, we got to eat the girls cooking in the first half. But I made the biggest mistake, I left the yellow napkins at home, so I dragged brie to the city to buy some, omd translink put more busses on the roads! >:[but it was awesoume brie& I stalked some sexy french people, seriously people with accents are way hotter and that has been proven time and time again, like no joke.But yeeeeah we were in a rush, so couldnt be hardout like sherlock holmes hahas, but yes we got our napkins and butter milk, and left but it was al sweet becasue we made it into school, pheww we were stressing that we wouldnt, and we were dropping balls becasue we thought we knew our teacher knew but she didnt! shame the girls in the morning werent even ready yet, so we stressed over nothing, so we ran down to the lockers got the rest of our ingredients, and put them in the fridge. We tried so hard to avoid our teacher, but we ran into our year co-ordinator instead ==. LOL! but omd so many of the girls table designs were so goood, they looked so pro like an actual restraunt.I shall contuine this post tmrw xo, since its 2.03 am and I'm watchin the soccer, waiting for my i-pod to charge, and I'm mega tired Xo
yo hoe'z
Hey guys,
I'm sorry i know i havent blogged in a while, my apologies.
It's becasue I'm on exam block again ==, erghs it's pretty gay becasue it means studying & it sucks becasue i know I've already failed two exams ==.
Modern History - I didnt finish my exam on time, and i wrote a stupid answer for a picture source which was the 2008 sorry day, instead I wrote the answer as the 1967 referendum arghs! that source probably was the most obvious in the whole frickin test arghs >:[.
Maths - Well maths I pretty much fail wether or not I study that subject or not, omd which is so shit for me becasue now i dont think im going to get me senior certificate, which would be so embarassing at the end of the year when everyone gets one and I'm the only one who dosent. But I did study for this exam, I just didn't know what to do for contingency tables, and apprently that was the easiest thing for everyone. Aws I feel so dumb atm big time.
I really hope I can redeem myself big time in SOR, which again I'm hoping that I get either a C or B in this exam, becasue i know i stuffed up my last two assesment pieces, man I feel so dumb in my "real" subjects, I wish I could steal a smart persons brains for a day (yn).
Sunday I'm dedicating myself to SOR/ Hospitality =D!
Oh did I mention latley I've gone back to listening rap songs hahahahs, like aka right now I'm listening to Eminem, whooop whooop, I also wrote a rap for D'DA! I'm quite happy, my friends have told me thats its pretty goood YAY! I'm feeling pretty top when people say that to me casue I feel liek I'm actually good at something hahahs.
(L) Have a good weekend everybody
~ I have an exam tmrw, and its modern idk im feeling pretty confident about but i gotta study!
wish me luck (yn)
Formal Dress
yay i found my formal dress so this is it :)
I'm so excited its yellow! now i have to find my shoes,clutch and others bahahhas
we lost our tennis finals by 1 game it was 34-35 (U)
I ♥ Bridie,Ellie,Nell,Grace,Nina & Catherine. These girls are amazing :)
OLC B4 2010 represent
im off to my tennis grand final, oh im so excited
goooooood LUCK to all the OLC GIRLS we're defs going to win ~
wooot im so excited, im offf hopefully i dont miss the bus :)
bus 105
is the one i need to cacth to victory against loreto :)
OLC vs Loreto
bus 105
is the one i need to cacth to victory against loreto :)
OLC vs Loreto
i lost
everything, becasue of something so stupid
& i dont know how to get it back, becasue maybe its over but i dont want it to be over.
becasue a person like that only comes once in my life, and i need her so much
but maybe im just over my head and over analysising this situation. but what if it is OVER
what do i do.
i found out that someone i liked was attached which made me pretty down.
that person made me feel like what everyone goes to paris for!but its sucks becasue that
person made the world beautiful everysingle part of this world.& its gone
Well sup hmms I have no idea if this entry is going to be either short or long, so let’s see how this one goes ay.
Well today I walked to the bus way to meet Moneh so we could catch the bus together but as usual I was late, and we missed 3 busses whoops that’s totally my fault and as a result we were nearly late to assembly but luckily we made it just on time (Y). hahahahs we are truly good I guess being an sen10r has helped us perfect the art of not getting caught when your late LOL!.
Yeah so after assembly we had to join the rest of the school and pretty much watch all the dance groups perform their dances, they were all pretty good most of them did last years dances, so most of us had seen them before : ) but still they did a pretty mad job regardless. Then I had double Hospitality which was pretty easy going as we weren’t cooking, which is a first as we normally cook in our doubles but we had theory to catch up on also we had to decide on a recipe that we were going to make the following Tuesday. I’m working with Breeezah and we decided to do M&M’S cookies *droooools* they are so good + I’m so obsessed with them lately, the ones from subway and Woolworths are pretty neat. I have also realized I’m eating so much junk food which is bad for me as im trying to get fit which is a total FAIL!
After Hospitality we had morning tea, then English. English was no comment I was pretty frustrated during that lesson cause of some things that went down, + as I didn’t get my draft back so im sorta sitting here going WTF DO I DO, but nah all good I’m apparently getting it back tomorrow so hopefully that plan goes ahead. Speaking of drafts I still have no idea what I’m meant to be doing for SOR which is very bad as by now we should be typing out and giving drafts and so far I have nothing, arghs I got to get oraganised ASAP. After English we had a presentation on road safety omd it was pretty heartbreaking like watching the youtube videos and hearing the stories about young drivers on the road and the need to take care was pretty intense, and has now made me think more whenever im near the road or in a car ay. CARS = GET MY LEARNERS which I haven’t done yet, which means Im a total idiot eek.
Yeeah then today I was in a shitty mood for most of the latter part of today as I didn’t get to have my chill session with DA. Arghs and she totes ignored me today and our plan after school didn’t work so im pretty cut about that to the max but I wont go on about it today. Yeah then Breeezah’s house in the afternoon was pretty swell she got the worse of it as I pretty much complained about DA for the whole afternoon, sorry Brie but I love you :]
TOMORROW is interschool swimming carnival which I’m so excited about, + can not wait but bad thing is we have to be at school by 7.45 which is impossible for me so that is why Im going to go
Xo have a good day tomorrow!
exactly how i feel
magicpoles & getting dumber explains everything
one day bby :)
how i feel at the moment
thats what I fell like sometimes, especially about assignments & school work, and other things including realtionships between friends / others. But the sad thing is maybe no-one will cath me? but at least I have a few people who i can depend on no matter what happens. My best friends + that mates who help me through everything they know who they are :) & I love them so much!& when I do say "Im giving up" they'll kick my ass and say get the fcuk up =D
bahahhahhhahahs what such lovley friends i have, no they want whats best for me. As Do I
love: lifts yu up even when yu think yur already on top of the world!
well everyone is stressing about english so Am I hahahhahas, since I hate orals and it's sort off okay being in a class yeeah it's more nerve racking, but I guees in a way theres someone sitting there more nervous then you as they are after you + yu have the support of yur friends in the crowd so it's pretty good.
But tommorrow it's just one on one with my teacher her & myself in a room, so yes nerves are going to be there == + I get heaps nervous while im doing my orals hahahs.
But I've realised that I have been so lazy yes in blogging aswell but also in school work, I really do have to get on top of that situation.
ahhh's jiji started uni oh im so excited, for her :)
that might be next year depends if i get a job or not you know.
mms i have an exciting thing to show yu my slurpee shirt yes i know all of you are jealous :)
check it out :)
anyways im off as I have tennis (L) / english to memorize
9 in the afternoon
my title is a refernce to Panic! at the disco, yes it's been a while but I truly love them to the max!
anyways as I didn't blog yesterday I'am going to blog today : )
well firstly I did lose my tennis game yesterday, I was a bit bummed but I had so much fun playing out there again, yeeah I did have to wait a while for my match I played second last but it was awesoume! & I really did enjoy it. While I was playing I kept thinking to myself why did I ever quit tennis, well I know the answer but I wish i kept on playing casue I realised how much I missed it. So now after about a year of me saying that I'am going to join a club I think i might. : )
+ realised I need a JOB! so once I get my tax file number I will go out and get a JOB! casue I need money for things, you know :)
+ I miss abbey, and I want to see that kid again hahaahs
I woke up late today & havent started anyhomework which i will start soon, I have to do maths (lots of it), modern history, jap, sor + english, grahs im off to do that now.
OH OH MARIA WON IN MENPHIS, like the whole tournament im so excited for her, shes now ranked 13 so the top 10 womens ladies better watch out! liek seriously casue masha is flying like a bullet :)
oh i love her so much xo
well I have no idea if I posted that I got into my school tennis team lol, if I didn't well now yu know :)
Well tomorrow I have my first competitive game in years, so it's going to be intresting as I've sorta forgot the rules lmfao :S eeekrs nah I hope I do good tomorrow so I'm going to make this a short blog, as I'm so tired and need my sleep.
& Im stressing cause I don't know how to get to the morningside tennis centre.
Thats the website :)
Oh I hope I don't lose at least 6-0 6-0 that would just be embarrasing, I know what I have to do, as peter tells me, just chill out and smash it :)
yeeah it's pretty vague but i don't care that's how I play, I just hope it goes well.
If I lose I'm so going to quit tennis again for the second time in my life:)
mms yeeah im quite depressed about tennis at the moment casue Im going to get nervous, mainly casue I don't know who Im playing but I gueess that how maria started her tennis journey at the age of 9 when she started at Nick Bolliterris, mans I just gotta have faith in myself!
anyways xo
daym makes yu think so much about life, today i thought i knew my friends thought not.
makes you think yu gotta keep the ones you love close.
casue the boys at st patricks - lost one of thier boys, a mother would of said goodbye, that boy would of had plans & dream that would never be done, but rip elliot your story is a tradgedy (U)
rest easy, yeeah i dont know him but idc its a sad story.
yeeah my monday started out good, then turned into shit
swimmming carnival
Yo I haven’t blogged in a while, my bad as I haven’t had the internet for a while, but when I got my internet back I haven’t really had the time to blog so my apologies.
Hmms well so much has gone on / going on
1st. The swimming carnival for school was on it was hectic well before hand was, I was full stressed as I didn’t know what our sen10rs were doing for their dressing up things, I printed out all the warcries for woods but the night before my printer did not seem to work == so I was stressing. I also spent all week trying to find yellow decorations, pom poms which I must thank Dollars & sense at Fairfield gardens for having yellow pom poms. That place is the only place in Brisbane that had pretty cool yellow stuff/gold as I bought my sparkly gold top hat from there also my yellow cowboy hat which is now absolutely munted to the max ==. Oh & im so pissed someone took my “yes that’s fast sign” that I got from the Aus open GRRS.
Yeah being house captain is pretty hard, as pretty much in the first 5mins of the carnival I was stressed because
A) I didn’t get the program until the 5th race so I had no idea what race was on next and the microphone we couldn’t hear, even though woods was right next to it ( like close to the speakers) I couldn’t hear it, so I was like yeah um okay, then it started to hard out rain so goodbye to pretty much all of the programs we got / warcry papers, so We didn’t know any warcrys xcpet for the “lets go woods, lets go” and “extra extra”.
B) It was hard getting everyone organized into their groups / races and finding replacements. Because people didn’t bother to find them themselves I did and no-one wanted to swim which was great == it pissed me off heaps, but whatever that’s what I had signed up for pretty much.
Yeah after the swimming carnival Ash, Paige, Mon, Asha, Brie & Myself all headed out to southbank after helping the teachers clean up / dismantle the tents and stuff, clean up the rubbish, and stuff. We walked over to the bus stop and waited for the bus. We got on the bus and our original plan was to go see a movie but the movie times were far apart, so we sat at the bus way trying to figure out what to do, then Mon said “lets go swimming at southbank” so we did. Good thinking mon! : )
We pretty much swam for ages pretty much all afternoon, but mon & asha went home around 2.30 the rest of us being Ash, Paige & Brie + I all stayed until 4ish? / 4.30ish we bout chips from decks which were amazing, hahahs & I totally scammed Ashleigh again by stealing her wallet without her knowing, then I “placed” it back to the original place LMFAO!
Then Paige’s mother dropped me off home / brie off home as well it was pretty sweet day/ stressfull but that was my last ever swimming carnival : (
Oh & I came last in my freestyle race bahahhahas
my school life + swimming carnival
A: sorry I havent bloggged for a while as I havent had any internet for a while, + I have been so busy with being a senior, man its tough hahaha, I'm so over it even though it's been less then 2 weeks.
my love is gone & dead, and i dont know how to get it back
my weekend
1st official day of bieng a sen10r
Well today I started my day waking up to annoying sounds of my mobile phone, as I used it as my alarm since I left my i-pod touchy at school. :(
There is nothing worse then waking up from a sweet dream and then hearing your alarm and then you get this omd shut-up feeling, then you realize its actually your real alarm then you wake up cranky. After that you then try to get back to the dream you were having, resulting in sleeping for another 10mins, then when you get up from that 10mins, you actually realize you either have to have breakfast on the run, or can't wash your hair or straighten it. But either way you have to speed walk to the bus stop. Which is not a great idea as its summer, and it's hot, so your sweaty and have this eww feeling + this omd I made it feeling aswell, which is a good feeling but then you realise your sweaty which takes you back to the eww factor.
After the eww factor you get on the bus knowing that your bound to school, sometimes yes i definatly do want to just get at the last stop of that bus, and just take your time going to school becasue you know what the day is going to be like, "lesson wise" but sometimes if you go get off at the last stop the result is the same although you have managed to turn up at school at 9.30, you either have to explain to the people in the office why your late, and you just have to end up doing more work which is GAY!.
mms how was my 1st day as year 12, I believe even though we have been at school for the past 2 days, which was sorta pointless for the 1st day, as we are seniors we should come to school on the second day and make the rest of the school go first. But that policy will never be changed as our admin staff will not recongize that it would be way more awesoume but whatevers. mms since we started on a friday I had modern history, which was sweet we had miss A, as our usaul teacher had an operation is sick, which ima bit happy about becasue she sorta scares me a little hahaahas, nah it's sucks that she had to do the operation, and all but yu know get better ms brett =D.
OMD this must be a new leaf as I actually did maths, like sat down and did maths class work and i actually get it, like maths, thats the biggest wtf moment for me, but I guees its excersize A, LOL so it will get harder as the days go by. Which sucks for me, but no I do have to try this year . Otherwise I will not get a good rank and that will seruiosly suck for me, and I might become depressed and die. LOL nah I won't I just might go through a withrdrawl for a bit then get over it. But yes I did maths work in maths, I'm suprised at myself, this is truley the year of CHANGE!
SOR was a complete blowover! You know I thought it would be liek it's going to be so hard, your all going to fail, it's an demanding subject but it so wasn't KennDawg!, bahahhas that's what we all call her. She just made us write letters about what we think about teachers, and what makes a good teacher and stuff like that. It's kinder weird becasue you don't want to say what you really think, but whatever i can so box her ;] bahahhas. nah im kidding I would never do that. I would be expelled in an instance. hahahhas
yeeah so SOR was complete! done and dusted.
All I had was my study period, which i chilled with vic, laura and tiyana casue she didnt wanna go to HPE! LOL, yeehp then while everyone was going home. I had jap
Jap was okay, we did nothing just talked about what to bring to class, sometimes I wish I had ms kelly back casue she didnt really care, but nah having mrs andrews back after two years, Is good, : )
yeehpa after jap ash was meant to meet me for slurpees but she went home, dogged me (U)<>
Nah It's all good, um yeeah went into the city and bought a maccas burger, which i should of kept that money for future slurpee money aka for the weekend. But whatever! lucky as I was waiting for my bus, at the stop I forgot to get an MX, luckily there was one on the bus (Y) so I casually stole, with awesoume skill i might add.
But argh before I went to the city I missed two busses as the lights at chardons would not change so gay, but luckily a bus came after waiting for 9mins. but yeeah, anyways I went city got on my bus, came home, ate, went into my room for a bit came out did msn with vy oh btw vy msn isnt letting me sign in.
Arghs TSONGA lost (U) so cut arghs im going to miss the tennis 3 span TSONGA!<>
I don't know why I put him in caps, I guees casue when i write it i get tennis fevever, like I get excited and start yelling come on! hahahs yeeah I know ima bit wierd deal with it!
Thats pretty much my day :)
2nd day
was horrible, had to pin my hair back :@ so homo assssss! ahahhashadijknvfweidjoskx
was not happpy but yeeh I guees that's what bieng a leader is all about, "leading by example" Im sure our very vigilint year co will give up soon *prays* casue I don't want to look like a loser on my last year of high school ==
yeeah had our assembly lets not go so fcuked it up!
LOL um rest of the day had singing with the little year 8's dude they are so quiet, even in singing it was pretty much mr. C + 12's who were singing hahhas
yeeah then we had our practise mass saying our pledge & going on stage, yeeah, then ran off to our house meetings.
Um yeeah one person was so not intrested in what i was saying, thnx to that person for making my confidence absoulty go through the floor. but nah nominations went pretty sweet yu know we got things done, thanks to the super seniors =D
<3 our wooods girls : )
yeeah lunch times was talking about alot of things, which i can-not discuss as people do read these LOL, but it was funn =D
oh and after school bus ride scam with smashliegh oh yeeeeah mon & I are exprets hahahs, btw we can ace year 7 maths (H)
first day of school
Before I babble on about school i would like to say MELBOURNE owns brisbane to the max, I'm so living there when im older like seruiosly.
27th January 2010
My last ever first day of school, unless i go to a specialist school, but otherwise my first last day. It feels weird, thinking its going to be your last, casue you actually think about it quite alot espeically at the end of last year but when it comes your like oh its my last day.
But there are plenty more of those moments that are going to come & when they do they are going to get so emotional hahhahas.
First day, I woke up with the attidude of I'm so not ready for school becasue school is gay + There is the tennis on so thats makes me even more not wanting to go to school. But I woke up had a shower, didnt eat breakfast due to the fact there was no breakfast for me to eat. I printed off my goals sheet that we prefects had to do, then I walked to the busway, eff it was way to hot for me to walk but I did anyway, while I was walking I listened to my touchy (H). So I was not completley bored on my unbeautiful walk. Got on the bus, got off at my stop walked to school.
Renee was there so I had a little chat to her inside then I went inside the locker rooms to see where my locker was, while I was in there I saw ashleigh + vy chilled with them, walked around to where my locker was put my books in there then deicided to walk around.
Yeah saw everyone you know cacthed up with everyone, then went inside for our leaders speech, blah blah were sen10rs now you know that sorta speech, kept talking about hair == efff you I don't want to put my sides back FML! but no ima leader so I have to argh it sucks so much.
But the bad thing is I can't hide from our year co since she'll like walk around and shizz and like find me & eat me.
OMD new APRE is so diffrent to our old one, he's all about singing and like singing so we took 45 mins singing hyms & prayers lol felt so shame + we had to do actions with that so homo ass. Nah it wasn't that bad, paige & brie + ash we had little side convos everytime there was a little break LOL.
Yeehp then it was home time, we had to close the lourvers & windows in the new renovated B-Block casue our principal told us to, which effectivley made us late to our bus but owell i guees, we are seniors we have to take innitiive now LOL, & yes i know i spelt that wrong thats why Im still in Eng Com >:[
so homo its like easy, but I know i would fail in normal english, casue I absoultley had doing oral's and english orals are liek hardout expression == which I don't have normally in front of a teacher and 20girls lols. I do but not when I'm getting marked on it LOL.
Yeeah so we caught the bus from the bus way, we waited for ages with asha :)
having a nice little chat while we walked and on the bus hahhas, asha caught the bus earlier then us but she ended up at matter at the same time as us lol. Yeeah we saw Nica from last year at matter so we were just talking to her for a bit untill the 540 came then she left us, shes a maddog =D.
Yeeah then I caught the 66 bus while ash caught the 555 bus behind me as I was running away from someone at matter, hahahs which was good timing becasue I was just intime for my 2nd bus at the gabba and got off the bus stop near my house, and I came home just intime for the last 20mins of the tennis between Serena & Azarenka.
sadly Serena lost but I know in time Azarenka will win a grad slam shes such a powerfull player and young player in the tournament who will do great things. =D
whoot now im watching Davydenko & Federer, yes bitches DAVYDENKO is winning whoot im so excited a russian might have a chance at winning this years AUS OPEN!, oh im so excited since he hasnt won a grand slam anyways, thats it from me turened out to be quite a long blog, hope you enjoyed reading it if anyone reads this.
day two
I woke up, got ready did everything you know. Check out of our 1st hotel, then moved to a second one, left out stuff there and caught the tram back to the melbourne park, where the tennis is. Got there, omf trams are so cool but they get crowded so easliy like busses, but more faster then busses i gueess.
After scanning our tickects went to the show courts where a jap plaer ( Ayumi Morita) played this spannish mad chick, the spanish chick won but still, Ayumi is like 18 years / 17 I cant really remember, but yeeh it was sweet. Watched a russian guy & swiss guy omd guys hit so fast.
Then I saw Melanie Oudin shes awesoume, but she lost :(
but no probs i will get in there somehow :)
Metro Melbourne :)
My day started off with
no sleep, as I was just lying awake in my bed at home, just thinking about today. Wondering what would happen to
my masha =D
So i woke up, did yoga off my touchy i-pod, casue thats what I do at 5.40 in the morning, then turned on my comp to sync my photos of masha into my i-pod then after that, ate breakfast, had shower , got ready, & then locked up my unit then went downstairs to wait for my taxi.
My mother & I went inside taxi, driver dude took us and he actually didn't bother to rip us off, whoot he was a mad driver : )
Got to the airport, checked in our baggage, then waited at the passenger area place until our flight was called for boarding. I got on the plane whoot 3 hours of nothing to do. ==
But still whatever I was so close to maria then I would ever be, well until next year, as I decided to take a gap year off uni/my airforce trade thingy, and go around the world & follow masha, to all of her games : ) Becasue it's the only time I would be able to do this, so yeehp as sooon as i get my ass back in brisbane ima offically looking for a job.
But anyways back to Melbourne, : )
Yeeah got to the airport (skip the plane part ) all i did was drink a solo, eat a cookie and watch a repeat of Gary UnMarried (L) bahahahs i love the dude who is in that show he is mad ass. Thats pretty much my flight ay.
Okay got to the airport collected our luggage saw liek 5 jap people, omd its the maddest mans. Got a Taxi to our hotel, which is right in the city, which is awesoume literally like walk out and theres shops, myer, trams, whatever and I'm like 10-15mins away from the tennis arena which is great :). Yeeh checked in, drooped of our shizz and then went out into the city, to get my 5day pass for the tennis *drools* Then
rushed back to watch maria play. but omfd even though she lost im so cut (U) fcuken
heart break to the max ay. But the pain I'm going through is nothing compared to what shes going through, she's still number 1 in my eyes, nothing will ever change that : D
Time to cheer on other people & just gotta enjoy my time in melbourne :)
SO yeeeh I ate out with my mother and some other fag that with us >:[ so angry, but whatever, Im staying postive to the max ay :)
We had jap :)
& omd its so cold in Melbourne, like freezing, daym i can't wait till the heat wave comes ay no joke =D
but ima off casue we're going to a diffrent place tmrw, & watchin ana ivanovic tmrw whoot shes pretty mad, + daniela hanthukova :)
1 more sleep
then off to mutha fcukin
MELBOURNE!I have to wake up early tmrw, as my taxi is coming at 6.45 then mother & I are off to the tennis =Doh im so excited =D
HAPPY BIRTHDAY 17th CELLAAgood night :)
Is in two days, & IM EXCITED. I have packed half of my stuff for melbourne, but there are stuff I still need to pack & stuff, + things I have to do also before I leave. But Im EXCITED
It's been ages since I have been to melbourne, & most likley everything has changed, so most likley I will look like an absoulte noob, but I don't care becasue I will seee like the love of my life lol Maria Sharapova. Whooot, I have bought two tickets to rod laver area + a 5 day ground pass, so I can see other players that I like. I'm also waiting for the second day draw so I can buy more tickets (Y)!
But I'm so cut at the moment as I land in melbourne 1.15mins later after Maria's 1st Match of the Aus Open >:[ + It will probably be another 1 hour until I get to the hotel, as I have to cacth a taxi/tram into the city, check into my hotel and stuff, So it sucks.Rod Laver Arena
11:00 Start Women's Singles - 1st Round
Maria Sharapova(RUS)[14] vs. Maria Kirilenko(RUS)I get into melbourne at 12.15 FML while everyone watches this match ima be at the airport, HOMO ASS! >:[. but this is fate as I know, that I will bump into maria around the place hopefully, but I'm so excited whoot. thats pretty much it. (today)
I did nothing, just woke up had a shower, watched the tennis on tv, waited for mum to get home, went shopping for food at coles, went to domino's / 7/11 = I got a big slurpee again *drools*, came home, danced abit, then watched the tennis, also spent half the day on facebook, that's pretty much my day :)
day out
Yesterday Brie,Nick,Luther,Jonno+cella all went out for the day casue we planned this about last week.
In the morning I woke up ate breakfast, had a shower and walked out to my bus stop. I waited for the bus thinking that I would be on time but I wasn't as when I checked it I thought it was saturday, lol yes my bad to me since we're on holidays I think everyday is a weekend, so it's not entirly my fault ==. Anyway I got on the bus & had a little chat to the person who was at the bus stop lols, I got on the bus and then met up with brie. I made Brie come shopping for nicks box for his chirstmas present lol. We did that at the reject shop lol yes I'am poor. hahahs.After that I went to Boost & I got a Boost but at the booost there was this heaps as tall chick that was like the hieght of like the roof lol. nah not really but she was heaps tall, she left then I got my boost and went to 7/11 to fill up my go-card since prices have gone up ==. gay translink. Before we left to southbank to meet up with the others, we saw this old guy like grandpa who had this pimped up buggy motor thingy. we LOL'Dso we went down to Queen St we had to "wait ages" for the bus, casue there were no busses, even though we were getting of at the next 2 stops lols. we got of at southbank and walked over to the movies, where we saw the others, the boys were lying on the floor at the movies so Brie,Cella+Me were just talking for like 30+mins, after that we decided to go out of the movies as we were not seeing one. Walked over to the piazza and sat down while the boys sat at the bottom of the stairs, us girls sat up the top. Seat 100,101+102 to be exact, we talked up there & named a group of guys who were sitting opposits us "grammer boys" and another group who were sitting on the edge of piazza "churchie" it was funny to us, + it's fate as 3 boys from the grammer group had a boost, (Y).The guys walked off to city, well Brie+Me stayed and Cella stayed for a bit at southbank but then cella decided to go of with the guys. So it was just Brie & I at piazza, which was sweet as we just talked about stuff + then a group of fob guys + one asian had started to dance in front of us lols, so we watched thier routine, we watched these annoying chicks who can't skate show of for these guys who were not intrested lols, and watched this kid who could not ride his own scooter lmfao, he kept on staking it when he was about to turn he entertained us for a while. Then Brie needed to go to the toilet so we went, and came back then i realized that I had spilt some of my boost in my bag, which was eww as it had gotten on my lynx can : (. So the next time Brie had to go the toilet I decided to clean my bag lol. The fob guys started thier dance again so we countinued to watch that. Then I went toilet and cleaned my bag which was sorta fail. (So when I got home I washed now its clean,)We decided to walk over to the city,we bumped into sam, and talked to him. + on the way I got hot so we went into 7/11 on Adelaide St, but before that we took a little trip into Pillow Talk its swell in there. After our little adventure in pillow talk we walked out into the little mall place they have, & the hair dressers is confusing, I swear if anyone walks past there you will get confused, + the gay guy is funny. We got into 7/11 got our slurpees yeeehp casue Im just koool I got the massive 1.25 L one (H). Then Brie and I started to go on our high again hahahhas, Oh when we are on our highs it's truley the best. Well we think it's the best, other people may not think so LOL. We met up with the others and pretty much stayed put for the rest of the afternoon/night. We talked and stuff with the boys about heaps of stuff, + brie & I were still on our high when we first met up with everyone else. Then it died : (yeeah then cella left, jonno took her to her bus stop, then jonno came back, we were there for ages, then this guy called bryce came and was talking to us. Then Luther left, after a while Jonno left at 6.30. Then it was just Brie,Nick & myself. LMAO as we were walking past supanews, we were both loooking, well starring inside for Alex when this blonde chick looked over at brie then turned around so now she thinks that Brie was checking her out lmfao. After 30mins brie wanted gum so we went into supanews and this other chick served us, while the blonde chick was looking at brie like wtf LMFAO. Then yeeah we were bored so we went over to southbank and chilled there for the night, it was awesoume, I had a chip burger for dinner they are friggen the best! you have to try one at decks = 4.50 *drools*Then brie went into the crepe cafe to see if her bro was working and which he was, & while we were there another blonde chick was looking at brie weird becasue she kept on going in and out of the shop lol. She saw her bro & decided to take us home (Y) he has a sick car lol : )then nick went home on the train : ) It was a pretty mad night / day OMFD we saw a chick that loooked like fagface at starbucks in the morning it was quite scary lmfao. I hope you enjoyed reading that whoot
2 days till melbourne. ahahhahsaqdsdudijkshucksadcaddj
our highs!
Yesterday Brie,Nick,Luther,Jonno+cella all went out for the day casue were awesoume!
sleeping patterns
are so fcuked up at the moment.
A. Becasue of the holidays and I'm up till 2 usually in the morningB. Becasue I can't get to sleep which sucks when I need to go out the next day, and I can't becasue Im so sleep deprivedC. I Have random days where I just don't go to bed for about 3 days staright, which are very bad becasue humans need sleep + I'm a human lol.But it's all goood becasue from tday Ima be going to bed before 12 : ) to get back into the sleeping pattern that I used to have : )
tday : I meet dee in the city and he came with me to shop for my books + he carried my basket thnx dee, + we vs each other in MT which we were aiming to both lose lols, but he let me win anyway hes such a gentle man =P hahahhhas. While we were at tops we were with Tam & Aimz, while Tam was versing this little liek 6 year old kid on tekken it was complete LOL. Everyone who was there was like LOLing. its makes me laugh lols still the expression on his face & the way he just kept on tapping the buttons like hardout was jut complete LOL.
Then I went to sams, for a gatho + with luther we had LOL moments + we chilled with sams sister : )
Then luther & i caught the bus home / and I got off at the next stop whoot + then walked home + bought myself another mother : )
casue im cool yo know!
yesterday + day before
Well Yesterday &+ the day before I was on facebook literally all day/night/day becasue nick gave me a comment then we started to talk all day and night. & NO I did not sleep at all >:[ thnx nick for keeping me up lol!
So then via facebook we decided to go see a movie at southbank around 9.30ish 10ish. I beat nick in getting there : )
We saw OLD DOGS @ Southbank It was gooooooood + funnny lol I think people should go see it even if it sounds lame it's still awesoume.
+ I owe nick a movie ticket since he shouted me lols.
After the movie we just sat at southbank and talked and chilled. Then I had to leave so we walked to the busway + his go-card saved me, casue I only had a $10 note :)
so he decided to walk me home well halfway >:[ which I insisted he did NOT have to but he did anyway that stupid boy! lols im joking. We said goodbye and I left. I then walked down a street where the subway is & bought myself a mother & The paper cause my mum said so lols, and she txted me saying she was at coles and would pick me up, but I decided to walk home instead as I did not want to wait 15mins. So I walked home drinking my mother can : )THE END! to that story.&+ Ashleighhhh is gone to hongkong/malaysia now :(yes I shall miss her while she is gone, but she's going to have an awesoume time over there with holly + her family whooot =D.tell me all about it when yu get back xo now I'm off to bed since its 3.16 AM FTWHAPPY BIRTHAY EDDDIEE
new years eve continuation + what I've been doing since then
After doing our leadership dance we waited for the fireworks while singing to the music playing from the restraunt, oh & defs laughing at the people dancing lmao! &+ singing to the songs & OMD they played mon & I's song aka sexy bitch & goood girls go bad <3
It was awesoume + people get so skitzzed up during new years some chick totally freaked becasue someone dropped her phone liek wtf it wasn't even a good phone lol. Just putting it out there I would totes understand if it was an sexy IPhone, but it wasn't so that chick shoula just chilled out to the max.
The fireworks seemed to go on forever but they were so preety & nice + they had lots of yellow fireworks so I was happy : )
It was a goood night. Then as usual theres the rush to get on the bus but luckily I was sleeping over ash's house with ash & paige : ) & her mum picked us up so we didn't have to cram with 1000 people on a bus lols. Ash's house was fun, we just chillled omd we had the best pancakes + Ice cream in the morning *droools* while watching suddenly 30, then we got ready to go out to the city even though we were complete stonerd well I was stonerd casue I didn't really sleep that night lols.
At the city, we went to the queen st movies & saw Sherlock Holmes & yes Jude Law is awesoume =D bahahhahas It was a great movie better dective work then, someone I know *fgface* lol. After the movie we randomly bumped into mrs winter so we started to talk to her, about school == hahaha a subject we were both not willing to talk about lol nah it should be sweeeet seniors whoooot bossing people around nah jokes. LOL
time for responsiblity lols. & she started to talk to us about the OP the year 12's got and how good they got which we already knew, becasue of a little site called facebook!
But yeeah whatever well last saturday I had a masssive pains + cramps and became sick, I couldnt see for a bit like when I stood up everything went black so I had to sit down casue i was spinning in & out of it, then i started to not being able to breathe but that was becasue i threw up (N) then started to get more pains again, I tried loooking for the panadol but rememberd I put it up on my shelf in the pantry which was sorta hard for me to get cause I couldnt stand up prooperly, and I felt my head like throbbing with pain at that moment I was in a major fuck my life stage. I called my mum at work which was embrassing casue my voice was fcked up and I was about to cry casue I was in pain, even though when my mum would arrive home the pain would be over but I didnt care these are the time when i neeed my mum lols. She came home & I dosed up on like 2 Panadol rapids & IT WAS A FML casue that night was paiges birthday night *heartbrokern*
But they had fun which was gooood although I wish I was there *sighs*
Then the other day my ring got stuck on my finger so i went to the hospital to get it cut off lols & it was the ring of me & carina's so my bad lols. but the guy at the PA was hot so it was so worth it nah not reallly my finger is like fcuked from it hurts when i bend it and i can't movie it properly lols (N) but yeeeah!
last night I did an all nighter with Nick via facebook & now Im going to stop blogging since we are going to go see Old Dogs tday at southbank whoot so yeehp Ima go & get ready : )<3
no internet
well my first post for 2010!
manily becasue I finally have my internet back :]
I have so much to write about, but everything that's happened was ages ago so it won't make much sense at all to write about it & also I don't remember some of the stuff that happened.
So I'm just going to write what I remember : ) + what I have beeen doing during the holidays whoot!
Well first was Christmas : well I woke up, got ready as I went to church at st.Stephens as I alaways go to church on chirstmas day, and it was hot that day so i was like gahhh just wanna get home & in the air-con. Got home, rang grandma, told her we were coming for the annual chirstmas lunch/dinner+drink up lol. well it always turns into a drink up and a big family discussion/fight. Got to grandmas yeeah said hi whatever yu know ate, & then we did our own thing yu know, I had a drink up with my cousin idk I was emotional that day for some reason, idk we were having a D&M but we werent really talking ay, idk but it was sweeet : )after that we ate somemore & then I went home+mum. Then Mon callled and we chatted for a while then I had to go and eat pudding ftw lol.+ for chirstmas i got i-pod speakers there like jennys ones but white, got an i-tunes card, 2 coles & myer gift cards, money for aus open tix + a 4gb SD card for my camera : =]2: Bries Bday: 29DEC was a great day, oh btw i still owe brie a bday present D=lols, well i met her + mon in the morning and we wnt and bought luthers present and then waited and met up with the boys at hungrys as i was hungry lol : ) - the boys ate and then after we went to the reject shop becasue idk the guys wanted to go there ? jonno bought her a john cena wrestling figure for brie. Then we went to cultral to meet up wit sam, hadn't seen that guy in ages then we went to southbank to supposedly see a movie but nothing was on, so yeeah I wanted to eat so we parted ways with the guys and ate. While we were there there was this random african guy that started to talk to us while mon was on the "phone" and yes no we go to "somerville" LOL!. Oh & that day we saw adongwat a chick from school shes awesoume :]then we met up with the guys i think after yeeah, and then some of the guys left so luther-sam,mon,brie+me walked to kangaroo point in the pouring rain no pissing rain *nts* always bring umbrellas and buy ponchos frm the reject shop*& we had the the beers well I did since everything goes in my bag lols, yeeah we pretty much chilled there for about 2 hours, sam left and mon,brie&I + luther were just chilling he's pretty mad :]. Then walked to matter and we went home via the 120 luther went bck to the city, and there was a goood loooking guy on the bus and thank god for bus windows bieng super reflctive lols ;]. Brie ran over to the road to post my letter, while mon & I were on the corner of bries street lols, then cella came but mon & I were like whos walking towards us, lols sorry "cella we so couldnt tell that was you thats why we started to walk away bahhahahas sorry". Then paige came all we did at bries was well guitar hero, eating, drinking, laughing, talking, and then brie & mon were talking to whatadayderek like bries lover lols. & then mon had a totaly big fit about davedays & omd bries mons fried rice is AMAZING! bahahhahas I had liek 5 servings of it lols. Yeah & then shizz happened on msn whatever lets not go there. Then at night paige was knocked out sleeping Oh wait before that cella went home :[. Then paige was knocked out sleeeping & mon & I were on the air matress together fighting with brie about a blanket =.= LOL then I thnk Brie & I got high becasue we started to annoy mon, it was the best bahhahaha then we started to play guitar hero again at liek 3am in the morning. goooood times. Then in the morning, we woke up and I went to mons house and a had a shower and a chill over there whoot, it was fun (Y). Then sophie mons mum drooped me back home and then i was home LOL on the 30th.3: New Years Eve/ Day Well I was out in the gc for the morning things happened + I met all stars bf, then i came back to brisbane, Mon called me told me about the plans for the day. I was out at the city waiting for dee but he didnt come for ages so I chilled with sam at cultral we were catching up + he was waiting for Azeem. Then Azeem came so they went to the train station took thier beers and went off to a party. & then dee went to wollongaba with tam so i didn't get to see him :(. Then I had to go home then off to southbrisbane yeeah shizz happened whatever lol involving two douches who hate somes new bf lols. yeeah from then I walked down to southbank to meet up with brie & mon. + we walked to city to get our last slurpees of the year. Brie and I had a high again and we decided to ghost the people that were all dressed up it was fun (Y) bahhahs. Then I saw dee at starbucks so I talked to him for a bit =D. Then when we were at southbank luther & Nick came so yeeah we were with them + the boys and omd there was one guy that we all wanted to kill. + Ashleigh,Ashlee,Paige came yay and we chilled with them rachelle came. Oh yeea and good work on josh & danny for fcuking things up == grrs >:[ LOLSanyways yeeah so we watched the fireworks we had a pretty goood spot oh + the song for the leadership dance came on so we did that, even though we looked like idoits LOL.
Gold Coast
On tuesday I went to the Gold Coast & it was awesoume : )
I saw abbbbey after ages & yes I do miss her as she has beeen in the philopines for ages x ages =D
So I went down well caught the train which they were doing delays for 20mins == which sucked. That meant I got to the GC 1 hour later grrs, but at least I got there in the end. So I caught the bus from Nerang & then went into surfers met up with abbey, walked to the buble tea place i got bananna + pearls (Y)!
whoop whoop bused it to aus fair to get sushi :) then went to paccas to go to toys r us for Megs presnt & I saw EMILY =D working but she had a long line so I didn't talk to her : (
Its beeeen ages since I saw EMILY asweel but we will chill i promise : )
Then we went back to ausfair again, then chilllled then we went to surfers then back to aus fair the bus ride took a while as there was an accident on the bus so we took another bus there : )
& then it was time to go home 3 grrs broke so im but seee, to people many more GC the back go neeeeed I FML again yu seee I?ll ABBEY>:[
ImissIttoo much :(
& It's chirstmas tmrw not loooking forward too it
fly with me.